Tartarian Studies videos
Videos from my Rumble channel and more recently Youtube channel.
This is a regularly updated list, oldest videos at the top (scroll down for latest ones).
NOTE - I've stopped uploading this list as of December 2023 and am uploading all related videos to the Youtube channel.
Tartarian architecture in Penzance?
Another Tartarian building in Penzance?
Tartarian mudflood buildings in Penzance.
A rainy October evening in Penzance.
It seems 'Nicola Tesla' is a code name.
A look up Clarence Street in Little Tartaria
Join my new Tartarian Studies Telegram group.
Mud flooded terrace? Genocidal crime?
Evidence of a mud flood on Penzance Terraces.
Saturday morning in Tartarian Penzance
Plenty of evidence of a mudflood on Chapel Street, Penzance
That there be a Tartarian building.
The Longboat Tartarian building.
Mulling the mudflood terraces of Penzance.
Mulling the mudflood terraces 2.
Historians lying about Tartaria: public awakening = great reckoning.
Completely submerged first/ground floors = MUDFLOOD!
Is this scaffolding necessary?
A look at some Tartarian style buildings in Giants Rounds
Welcome to the Tartarian Studies Telegram group.
More on potential scaffolding shenanigans.
Two type of people (open and closed minded).
Redruth & Camborne architecture & bricks.
We're in a reset, we've been reset.
Another look at bricks in Penzance.
Deformed bricks at the Longboat hotel.
Bricks - mottled, potholed and blown out.
Mulling my way around the music college.
A 7am look at Penzance churches.
A look around the YHA in Castle Horneck
A word or two as I gaze across Old World Penzance
Certain types of bricks survived better
My new Facebook group, Old World Reset
Evidence of a mud flood on the high ground
Rummaging around Old World Penzance
Looking at Old World Penzance graveyard buildings
Mulling the red bricks transitioning
Update on the massive scaffolding in Penzance, December 2023
Introducing the Old World Institute
Sunday morning meltology in Penzance
A boxing day walk down Chapel Street, Penzance
A boxing day mull around Haemoore village, near Penzance
4 BIGASS church-like buildings in Penzance residential area
4 large church-like buildings in Haemoore village
Truth is stranger than fiction
Visualise how this 'church' really looked
Transitioning bricks are evidence that nobody can deny
Red bricks transitioning with David Bellamy
"No more conspiracy theories please, James"
This is the voice of the mud flood
Melted red bricks! X-factor event.
Shades of X-factor, shades of meltology
What % of mud flood sites contain human remains?
Spurious red bricks transition
Melted red bricks suggest crime
The most COOKED wall in Newlyn
The most MUFFED bricks in Newlyn
2 electric power stations in Penzance
Welcome to mud flood street, Penzance
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